Our AltRider Featured Fan is no stranger to the world of adventure motorcycling. Read what Kevin Hagerty, managing partner of MotoQuest had to say about his AltRider experience.
"I believe I first became aware of Alt Rider at a BMW MOA Rally several years ago. I think it was in Johnson City TN. I was very impressed with their product line up. The fact that the product was of superior design and made in the USA appealed to me as well. After meeting Jeremy LeBreton, I understood why the product was of the quality and design that serious adventure riders are looking for. Jeremy is an avid off road / adventure rider himself, he is "one of us."
The product reflects his vast experience and knowledge. His company is a lifestyle entity. They don't just build and market product, they are involved in the adventure community.
My experience with the performance of their product is exemplary. The engine guards on our BMW R 1200 GS saved the motor from serious damage recently when the bike was involved in a collision. The GS would have been totaled without the Alt Rider protection. Whether riding the dirt roads of Alaska or the endless tarmac through the Mojave, I may encounter mechanical issues but likely not anything with an AltRider sticker on it."
Check out MotoQuest's website to see how they put AltRider products to the test.