Shipping and Delivery
When you order an AltRider product, we know you want to put it on your bike as soon as possible. That’s why we ship every weekday, excepting U.S. national holidays.
Most items will usually ship within 24 hours of the time you placed your order. Some products require extended delivery time; in such cases, we will contact you to let you know.
If your order is needed by a specific date, please call us at +1 (206) 922-3618 and let us know that your order is time sensitive. We will help you choose the best shipping method for your situation. Please note that although we will do everything in our power to make sure you get your AltRider merchandise quickly, once packages leave our warehouse, the carrier controls delivery schedules and we cannot guarantee a delivery date.
After placing an order with AltRider, you will receive an email telling you when the package leaves our warehouse. This email will contain your tracking information. A second email will be sent following delivery to make sure you received and are happy with your purchase. Be sure your email is configured to accept messages from You can also check your order on our website under “My Garage.”
For orders to P.O. boxes or military APO/FPO addresses, we use USPS/Smart Post. Please note that when ordering, you will need to confirm that your shipping address is a known address
International orders are responsible for their own import fees. The shipping charge is only covering the freight not any customs, duties, taxes, or additional fees.
Estimated Delivery

FedEx Ground: 1-7 business days based on your location
FedEx 2nd Day: Second business day (if the order is received by 1 p.m., M-F, PST)
FedEx Next Day: Next day in the afternoon (if the order is received by 1 p.m., M-F, PST)
Currency and Payment
Our pricing is in U.S. currency. We accept payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover).
Changing Your Order
Once your order is processed and shipped, we are unable to cancel, add or change it. However, if you contact the AltRider office before the order is packaged we will try to make any adjustments that are within reason. Products requiring an extended delivery time may sometimes be altered if caught before processingand shipping.
Shipping and Handling Fees
Fees paid for shipping and handling are not refundable. Please review our Returns and Exchanges Policy.
Free Shipping Terms and Conditions from
• All orders of $149 and over qualify for free ground shipping to the contiguous 48 US states. NOT applicable on International orders.
• Valid only for retail customers
• Orders shipped via FedEx Ground
• Expect 1-5 days for delivery depending on location. Please refer to the shipping map on the AltRider Shipping Policy for more information
• Shipping changes including intercepts, address changes, and will call pick-ups may be subject to a fee per shipment